Sunday Service at 10am
Light in the Valley Community Church
Light in the Valley is a community church in Peshastin, WA. LIV is a Christ Centered family in the Upper Valley of WA, focusing on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through love, grace and restoration.
Light in the Valley Community Church focuses on solid teaching in an open and welcoming atmosphere. Come as you are.
Let your light shine.
Peshastin’s Little Free Pantry
If you are in need of non perishable food items, personal hygiene or basic cleaning supplies you can stop by the Little Free Pantry in Peshastin, WA. You’ll find the food cupboard in front of the church (across from the Peshastin Library and Fire Station).
The Little Free Pantry in Peshastin, WA is open 24/7. This resource is available to those in the Peshastin, WA area to help provide for those in need.
If you have further needs and live in the Peshastin, WA area, please email us so we can see how we can help.
If you’d like to donate any non perishable food or personal / household items to the pantry you may drop off items into the cupboard or next to it any time.
The pantry always has a need for: canned soups, chili, canned fruit, canned vegetables, boxed side dishes, granola bars, first aid supplies and cleaning supplies.
For further information or ways you can help please contact Whitney.